Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pasar Minggu di Sarikei

pagi tadi punya kerja....
sebelum berangkat ke Sibu
lepak-lepak dulu di pasar minggu Sarikei
area Nyelong Business District....

of course laaa....
dah nama pasar minggu
memang macam-macam laaa
yang boleh dibeli...
atau setakat tengok-tengok orang saja...
people-watching gitewww

so, i tak lah sangat nak bershopping
just nak ajak my family spend their weekend
di pasar minggu ni...
and then...something caught my eyes...

memandangkan kamera i tertinggal kat dalam kereta,
i took out my camera-phone
and took this photo....

and one photo lead to the others....

of course....
i processed the photos 
to give them a bit of the vintage look
and here they are....

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