Sunday, December 4, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON....inspiring dish!

dah beberapa hari dah 
ketandusan idea...
so, bila dah mula menaip ni...
mintak-minta laaaa
ada idea untuk bahan blog yang lain....

so...bila dah suffering 
and then recovering 
dari blogger's block...
baik dimulakan dengan sesuatu yang simple 
ye tak?

dengan itu, 
i pertunjukkan gambar ni....

mi sup....nampak macam biasa kann... 
tapi, let me tell u, this one is the best that i tasted so far.
— at Sarikei Town.

so, this is a bowl of noodle soup...
belum pernah lagi di feature kat blog i
but this picture has been gaining
some positive response 
from my fellow facebook friends. 

this noodle soup is; by far - 
the best...yet. 
unlike any other noodle soup, 
this one was heavily satisfying - 
it was easy on the tongue,
and pleasant enough for the tummy. 

a pauper's dish-
fit for a king!

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