Saturday, December 31, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE adventure!

seronok jugak kalau berjalan-jalan di pasar Nyelong, Sarikei
lebih-lebih lagi kalau misi utamanya adalah mencari makanan!

of course lah kan
i sentiasa mencari-cari peluang yang best untuk cari bahan for this lovely blog of mine.
and this time, i would like to feature these photos
of food stall vendors

tapi, biasanya orang akan segan atau malu-malu kucing
(or literally translated into English Language as 'shy-shy cat!)
untuk diambil gambar....
apatah lagi sekiranya orang yang mengambil gambar itu 
adalah orang yang tidak me!

but, let me tell you, there's nothing wrong with being polite and friendly;
and if you requested nicely, people would be more than willing to help. 

in this case, the food stall vendors were a bit shy at first, 
but then i worked my charm, and put on a smile (plus, bought some kuih from them)
they're willing enough to allow me to take their photo.

so, what are you waiting for?
come to Sarikei, and have your own food adventure!

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