Monday, October 31, 2011

Tribute+My Personal Pick - Amy Winehouse

a special 
and heart-warming tribute

i enjoyed watching her performance 
on Live In London.....
and my favourite track is this one....

enjoy y'all, 
this is

Her name is Cherry
We've just met
But already she knows me
Better than you
She understands me
After eighteen years
And you still don't see me
Like you ought to do

Maybe we could talk 'bout things
If you was made of wood and strings
While I love her every sound
I dunno how to turn you down
You're so thick and my patience thin
So I got me a knew best friend
With a pickup that puts you to shame
And Cherry is her name

And when I'm lonely
Cherry's there
And she plays along
While I sing out my blues
I could be crying
And you don't care
You won't call me back
You're stubborn as mule
Maybe we could talk 'bout things
If you was made of wood and strings
You might think I've gone too far
I'm talking 'bout my new guitar

A FOODIE'S TAKE cravings!

Abaaaannnnggg..... ayang nak makan....
Hah? Sayang nak makan ape?
Mmm...ayang nak makan lempeng special....boleh tolong buatkan?
Ohh...boleh jerrr....Nah! (pelempang!) Malam-malam buta mengigau nak mintak lempeng! Patutnya aku yang panggil engkau tu abang! Kau tu tua lagi dari aku.......!!!


Sabtu lepas kan...
teringin sangat nak makan burger ayam.
tapi bila dah kat sekolah 
di kawasan pedalaman macam ni...
mana nak cari chicken burger kan? 
so, mula laaaa mencari jalan 
macam mana nak penuhi impian
makan burger ayam. 

selongkar laaa peti sejuk
cari frozen chicken chop
dan roti.....
cantekkk...ada mayo dan tomato jugak....

so, bermulalah aktiviti membakar roti
dan menggoreng chicken chop.
disebabkan i ni pelahap sangat...
i goreng dua keping chicken chop! 
kemudian design laaa
rupa chicken chop sandwich i tu....
and.... tadaaaaaaa!!!!!
ini lah rupanya yang dah siap!

dengan ganaz dan pelahap 
tahap hantu raya i makan dah tu!
ye laa kaaaannnnn.....
i kan baru lepas sembuh selsemaaaa.....

sayang......sayang dah masak makan tengahari ke belum? 
belum masak lagi bang....
nape ayang belum masak lagi? Abang lapar ni tau.....
Abang ni.....baru pukul 2.30 pagi, orang azan solat Subuh pun belum laaaa....

Sunday, October 30, 2011

my cherry.....apa tu?

no laaaa...
actually, i'm naming my new 
Sony Ericsson clamshell cellphone 
as Cherry.....

because it's pinkish red+shiny.

and it takes great photos too....

Saturday, October 29, 2011

ya ampun! bersepahnyeeee!!!


"Opocot….engkau cantik!"

Kelezzz kau Senah,
melatah sambil kata aku cantik
terima kasih laaaaa
i bersyukur sangat-sangat!

Apa dah aku merepek!

you all dah tengok dah kan
suasana kuarters kediaman I
kat skool….
very berbunga sangat kann…
sekarang ni I nak tunjukkan pulak
meja kerja i
di bilik guru……

jeng jeng jeng….
inilah dia…
bersepah gila kat atas meja tu kannnnn

ini penjelasan I

I jarang nak buat kerja kat bilik guru nih…
sebab utama adalah kerana
I spend most of my time in the classroom
sebelum masuk waktu mengajar tu….
I akan biasa buat kerja kat dewan makan…
bukan sebab nak makan tawww…..
jahat sangat you all kalau kata I ni asyik nak makan jerrr…..
tak…..i akan berada kat dalam dewan makan tu
menyusun apa-apa yang patut sebelum mengajar;
alat bantu mengajar laaaa….
susun kertas latihan laaa…..
so, bila dah most of my time spent
in the dewan makan,
I akan kureng berada kat bilik guru….
and then takde masa
nak mengemas meja yang berselerak.

Kadang-kadang bukan kat dewan makan je tau….
I jugak akan spend most of my time kat kuarters….
alaaaa….i kan ada work station I sendiri kat rumah….
so, I akan buat kerja kat meja kecik itewwww….

I akan kemas meja I ni…
but not just yet….
you all jangan kata I tak masuk bilik guru terus yerrr….
and jangan kata I malas nak kemas meja kerja I jugak…..
kejamzzz sangat kalau you all kata I macam tu….
I’m innocent gitewwww….


Kalau you all jahat
jaga lah you all….
nanti I gigit-gigit cuping telinga you all….


Friday, October 28, 2011

Bisikan Rindu & Berita Gembira : SENYUM

seindah seceria sinar suria
selembut sulaman sutera

senyum sahaja

"senyum” & photo
Copyright © 2011
m tauhhid z

time for a break...

and have a cup of coffee...

ni dah berapa hari 
dah tak berblogging?

i was busy 
for the last few days
managing multiple tasks....

  • menyediakan kertas ujian untuk lima buah kelas
  • buat oral exam untuk empat buah kelas
  • menjaga kelas exam...
  • menyemak kertas jawapan pelajar....
  • buat analisis markah pelajar......
memang banyak kerja
tapi alhamdulillah....
dah SIAAAAAPPPPP!!!!!!!!!

kelezz engkau Kak Senah, 
siap jugak kerja aku!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Peppertones feat. Arina (Mocca) - ABC (HD unofficial video)

I hereby declare that this video was my best creation to date. I had a great time recording the video with 17 of my students, and the students get to be silly for almost an hour. Recording scenes after scenes, and then processing the video for about seven hours (the whole video was completed at 2.30 in the morning!), the video was finally premiered during our school’s official launching of MaCS programme. As the title above shows, I call this video “Fun With the Kids”.  And now, here it is, I present to you….

Disclaimer: The video contains the audio track ABC by PEPPERTONES featuring ARINA (MOCCA). The video was made with the purest intention and wasn't meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video is not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage and still images, and PEPPERTONES owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the artists for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

A video by : mohd tauhhid zawawi

Models : Girls; Ayu Janin, Sofia Julin, Jagriena Shirla, Diana Ketok, Mary Kunga, Enja Sana, Doris Lengang, Vitheres Sambai, Boys; Sunjay Tol, Sebry Tomas, Jeno Rino, Samuel Gun, Dannelson David, Jeffson Robert, Ericsson Boy, Dickson Kanyan, Roland Dolah

Shot entirely on location at SK Nanga Kain, Kapit.
Video stills by mohd tauhhid zawawi

Song : ABC
Artist: Peppertones feat. Arina (MOCCA)

CrossTown Traffic

let me say this....

this is one of my video creations
for this year...
it was featured 
and premiered back in April
but now...
i think the video deserves
its own blogpost....

so now...
i'm re-featuring the video again....
together with the original blogpost

of course...
you have the freedom
to either watch the video
in standard definition
or HD.....
the choice is yours....

view in Standard Definition

 I shot this video using my PANASONIC HM-TA1 Full HD mini-camera. To me, this video camera is by far, my personal favourite at the moment. It is small and cute, and at first glance it might look like a common camera-phone. Looks can be deceiving, and because of that, I managed to shot this video. The people featured in this video didn’t mind to be recorded, maybe because they thought I was actually text-messaging. Little that they know, they were being recorded. Hahaha…
                This video is also my first attempt at creating a ‘one shot” video; and also my second attempt at reversed video technique. I have been trying to capture a “one-shot-worthy moments” to be made into a video. Few have been made, but on the 15th March 2011, my wish came true. As I was on my way to Sarikei town, I saw these two lovely grannies chit-chatting (in Chinese) on the bus. The journey to Sarikei town actually took 45 minutes, and maybe because of that, the grannies fell asleep halfway to town. At that very moment, the song that was playing on my mp3 was Crosstown Traffic by White Shoes And The Couples Company. Thank God…. I was inspired at that spur-o-the moment.
                Pity, the video wasn’t at its best quality yet. At some time, the video was a bit rocky, but please, it was a handheld video camera, plus, the bus was moving quite fast. But, interestingly still, the two old grannies enjoyed their trip on the bus; that they slept all the way to town.
                So, everyone, here it is, I bring to you, my latest video project, featuring three complete strangers. I dubbed this video; “The Sleeping Poh-Pohs”.

view in HD

Disclaimer: The video contains the audio track CROSSTOWN TRAFFIC by White Shoes & The Couples Company. The video was made with the purest intention and wasn't meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video was not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage and still images, and White Shoes & The Couples Company owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the band for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

Rollip - Awesome Online Photo Effects!

Rollip - Awesome Online Photo Effects!

here's a new software
i'm trying at the moment.

try's free....

White Shoes & The Couples Company

lately I've been listening to this song 
for God knows
how many gazillion times.....

and now....
i'm featuring it here
so, enjoy y'all......

Ijinkan hamba menutur sebuah cerita
Yang terpenggal di selatan Jakarta
Bukan gegap gempita, serta baik buruk sarana
Tiada angan hampa penuh peluh ataupun nestapa
Ini kisah yang tak akan mungkin terlupa
Tanpa nuansa asmara dan cinta
Tak perlu ada rahasia, dusta bahkan tipu daya
Semua terasa hambar nampaknya

(jika gundah yang tuan rasa)
Jika gundah tuan rasa
Gulana harap sebuah makna
Ancam hamba ‘kan disiksa, tak mengapa
(pun hamba tak kuasa menutur paksa makna cerita
Hamba tak ingin ada kecewa)

Hapus air mata, titisan duka lara
Jua hamba tak memelas dipuja
Derita dan buruk sangka, suka cita penuh tawa
Entah apapun hendak dikata

(jika gundah yang tuan rasa)
Jika gundah tuan rasa
Gulana harap sebuah makna
Ancam hamba ‘kan disiksa, tak mengapa
(jika ada yang bertanya, oh ini kisah tentang apa?)
Maafkanlah hamba oh sungguhpun hamba tak kuasa
(baiknya duduk manis saja,simak hamba bercerita)
Dan tak perlu tuan tanya
Hamba tak akan pernah mampu untuk menjawabnya

Friday, October 21, 2011

happy family

here is a series of 
Polaroid™-style photos
of my friends
together with their baby.

thanks for allowing me
to use the photos 
in my blogpost. 

(for privacy reasons, 
only the name 'Wan Kamarol' 
is mentioned in this blogpost)

original photos: Mr. Wan Kamarol
digital photographic treatment: m tauhhid z

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

retro senifoto Polaroid....


lama tak muncul.
sibuk sangat nokkk...
dah dekat nak hujung semester ni
macam-macam nak kena buat.
sampai tak menang tangan 
nak buat kerja....

kalau nak kata - 
sehari 24 jam tak cukup
tangan kena ada banyak macam cik kurita
personal assistant nak kena ada lima....
very mengada-ngada sangat kannnn.....

on with the show.
dalam sibuk-sibuk buat kerja ni.
sempat jugak laa testing satu software 
yang very der kerlazzzz girtewwww....
software ni boleh design 
mana-mana foto digital yang you all simpan tu
untuk menjadi foto stail polaroid.
ha? Polaroid tu apa benda?
alaa....foto style kamera yang jenis instant tu...
yang snap jer gambar 
terus keluar gambar kat kertas foto tu....

"alaa...very the ketinggalan zaman la foto macam tu."
siapa kata? 
cantik apa gambar macam tu. 
very retro gitewwww.

so, bila dah ada software tu, 
mulalah i mencuba designing polaroid version 
of some of the photos that i have. 
and voila! 
you can view them here. 

kalau nak cari 
kamera Polaroid yang original
memang payah dan hazab sangat 
nak jumpa kat Sarawak ni....
ada memanglah ada....
tapi kat mana? hehehehe....

cari sendirilah yer....
software tu....
ni rahsia i. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011



i'm still down with flu.
but, it's getting better now laaa...
thanks to kakak ross and miz rinda
for providing the flu meds. 

on with the show!

tiga serangkai..atau lebih tepat lagi,
tiga tukang masak....hehehehe
my school organized 
two mini sports events - 
one being football 
and the other was netball. 

pemain pasukan Rumah Hijau menerima strategi 

acara bola jaring
very tiring lah...
but the events went well
as planned. 

garangnyeeeee Mr. Rumah Kuning!
Sergeant Misai merangka strategi
untuk pasukan Rumah Biru
at the moment 
i don't know the final results
but i do hope my team
would do well! 
plan baeeekkkk punyaaaa! inilah Rumah Merah!
Coach...Mr. WK!

hehehehe....bola jaring!
seronok tengok my students
bersemangat gitewwww....
this time, i'm no longer
the emcee....
i was appointed the photographer
and videographer....
berguna jugak kamera-kamera murah i itewwwww
and lucky enough for those 
yang follow my blog; 
you can view some of the photos here,
instead of viewing them 
from my facebook page. 

kejam sangat la i ni kannnnn????

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


ganazzz nyeeee nurse itewwww!!!!!!
tak nak!
tak nak!
tolong jangan seksa i macam niiiii......
i tau i santeeeekkkkk (apa kaitan lah pulak?!)
tapi i tak rela!
jangan laaaa.....
i masih ada banyak kerja nak dibuat!

tolong laaaa....
i tak rela 
kalau kena 


korang ingat apa...