Friday, September 30, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...jamuan masam-masam manis!

Beberapa lagi gambar makanan…
for those who are new here
my blog isn’t actually exclusive about food
so, please…don’t get it wrong.

last Monday,
my family held a feast
attended by somewhat 20 guests.

Many guests arrived;
mostly family’s friends
and close relatives,
and lots of noisy children….

It’d be weird
not to feature the foods here….
so, I’ll be featuring three
sweet and sour side dishes….
prepared by my mum and aunt….
yummyyyy…..and of course,
they’re my favourite. 

acar buah......ada asam boi, manisan kulit limau, manisan buah cermai, manisan buah kana....yummm!

acar timun....bukan timun jerrr, ada lobak merah, cili, bawang merah dan bawang putih.... super favourite!

sambal buah mangga.....campur belacan sikit, dan cili sikit....dan gula...amboiiii......

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