Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ingat lagi tak pada senyuman ku ini?

Ingat lagi tak….dua tiga bulan dulu
I pernah keluarkan blogpost tentang senyuman?

Tak ingat?!
sampai hati you all….
sedeyyy nih….
“batu belah…batu bertangkup…
telanlah aku…luluhlah aku…
orang tak ingat blogpost aku……”


well, if you don’t remember,
I hope by putting up the picture on top
would remind you that…
I did put it up here laaaaa…..
(nangis…sebab korang tak ingat!)

Well, actually
I nak come off clean
yang gambar kat atas tu
sebenarnya berinspirasikan
cover majalah
AL-ISLAM (Jun 2011)

artikel tentang senyum pada bulan itu
sangat menarik
and the magazine cover
was beautifully designed

ada di antara wajah yang tergambar
dalam foto grid tersebut
adalah tokoh-tokoh politik di Malaysia…
but, I think you knew them already kannn…?

p/s: gambar 2 dan 3 di bawah hakcipta Utusan Karya Sdn Bhd. 

Independence Day


My Personal Pick: Mia Doi Todd "Open Your Heart"

one of my favourite video...
created by a genius
Michel Gondry

this is Mia Doi Todd.....
info on the video and artiste below....

Singer-songwriter Mia Doi Todd has released a new video for her song "Open Your Heart," directed by Michel Gondry. The video features a large group of performers in multicolored clothes, enacting elaborately choreographed maneuvers in locations around what appears to be Los Angeles.
If you've seen any of Gondry's previous videos, you'd know that dry summary barely does it justice. While it's not one of his greatest works, it's a fun, playful video that seems poised to help raise Todd's profile. For a singer who's about to release her ninth album, she's flies surprisingly low under the radar.
Read more:

you bet i am!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


today's the first day of Hari Raya Aidilfitri...
the first day of Syawal...
so, that means
it's no more fasting for today...

usually during the Hari Raya
i would blog about food
as any other blogger would
but you can see 
from the picture on the top
i will be featuring a simple blogpost 
on one of the common rites
during Hari Raya....

after Hari Raya prayers...
many families will visit 
the grave of their beloved family members
so as with my family. 

my family visited 
the grave sites
of my late brother; Mohammad Tauffik Zawawi 
my late uncles; Wa Rosli Bin Mat and Anjang Johan Bin Sulaiman
and my late grandfather; Inek Mat Bin Bair
al - fatiha;
Mohammad Tauffik Bin Zawawi,
meninggal dunia pada
27 Syawal 1419
al-fathiha to them
may they rest in peace 
and in God's affections. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...bubur sekapur


here's the infamous 

i don't actually know
the exact name of this dish

but some people call it
        cendol sekapur
        bubur kapur
        or just simply

apa-apa pun (anyway....)
it tasted yummy....

the green thingy contains
lime water (not to be mistaken for calamansi juice) 
pandanus extract and rice flour

the cream is made of;
coconut cream and palm sugar. 

oops, lupa nak bagitahu, 
i beli ni petang tadi, 
di bazaar Ramadhan Sarikei. 

Bazaar Ramadhan Sarikei

here are some pictures 
of Sarikei's Bazaar Ramadhan...
with caption...
of course...

this makcik is preparing a large batch of
fried noodles

this abang is selling ikan bakar....
and the abang next to his stall is selling
roasted chicken!
i like this picture...
or precisely....
i like cakes!
jagung bakar........
flipping the murtabak....

bazaar ramadhan....
for all. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

kad ucapan buatan sendiri

kad ucapan 

from my students.....
terima kasih kids!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

my reading corner

tak sabar rasanya 
nak balik ke rumah 
di kampung

to spend my afternoon
in this little corner 
at home

banyak buku....
memang kalau masa cuti
membaca buku 
sangat menghiburkan....

tengok ajelah....
       - buku yang dah dibaca
       - buku yang sedang dibaca
       - buku yang belum habis dibaca
tidak teratur...
sampai ada yang diletakkan 
di atas almari buku....

yang penting
buku-buku tu semua

Monday, August 22, 2011

A FOODIE'S TAKE ON...cerita menu Italia, Western dan Agar-Agar misteri....huhuhu!


hidangan moreh
mihun, bahulu, cucur sayur dan lepat pisang,
disediakan oleh Sham Syaniz, Mdm Norhaniza and Mdm Nurhanani

seronok benar rasanya 
berbuka puasa hari ini
dan semalam 
bagaikan ada tema pula menunya.....

menu Italia....hehehehe
macaroni with traditional tomato gravy
yummm...i yang buat!
(puji diri sendiri kerrrr? larikkkkk!!!!)

petang tadi, 
menu western....
fish and chips.....
with cream salad 
and spicy mayonaise
terangkat beb!!!!
menu petang tadi i namakan 
British-American fusion....
yang salad tu American style....
agaknya laaa....
hats-off untuk Mr.WK yang menyediakan 
menu yang super best gitewwww!!!!! pulak cerita tentang yang ni.....
agar-agar perisa pandan. 
kisahnya macam ni....
adalah kawan i yang seorang ni...
nama dia Miss Nikkie Amanda Sahara
cikgu jugak....
bukan main lagi bercerita 
kat facebook
tentang aktiviti dia yang asyik   
membuat agar-agar

i pun teringin laaa
nak cuba buat sekali lagi
projek agar-agar/puding 
yang pertama dulu
bolehlah diberi gred C...(hehehehehe.....)
then, i cuba buat lagi
agar-agar pandan berlapis
ni gambar dia....

masih jugak tak begitu menjadi
terlampau manis lah pulak! 
tak apa lah kannnnnn...
dah namanya agar-agar jenis instant!
(pecah rahsia aku!)

selamat menjamu selera 
berbuka puasa.

Chinese-style fried macaroni...
i yang buat petang tadi..
esok nak masak apa yer....? 

Saturday, August 20, 2011


hehehe....matahari kewwwww!
kawan-kawan i akan sebut macam ni laa selalunyeee...
mana-mana je lah kannn? hehehe....

A SOHO picture of a sunspot grouping in September 2000.
Image courtesy SOHO/ESA/NASA
berbalik semula ke cerita i 

dua tiga hari nih...
panas semacam jerrr
boleh tahan mencabar sikit 
berpuasa di skool tahun ni...

cabaran utama; cuaca!
panas membahang gitewwww!
tak daya rasanya 
nak berjalan 
       - melenggang kangkung 
       - lemah gemalai
balik dari mengajar. 

tak setiap hari pun panas tuu...
macam semalam
ada hujan sekejap!
nasib baik laaa
i tak beronline semalam ...
kalau tak....
terperangkap lagi 
untuk pusingan yang kedua! 

panas-panas pun 
sekurang-kurangnya tak banjir
tak kerrr gitewwwwwwwww? 

oops, lupa pulak!
gambar matahari kat atas tu i download je dari National Geographic, i tak reti nak ambik gambar matahari, nanti terbakar pulak mata i...gitewwww.....

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Bunga di tapak tangan Shirla
Bila dah siap memasak untuk berbuka puasa,
tak tahu pulak apa nak dibuat….hmmm, 

kalau Mr.WK and Sergeant Misai
memang i dah tau dah….
puasa pun diaorang
belasah jugak main badminton….
nak lepak ngan Mizz Rinda,
dia sibuk kat ofis…
kalau i nak lepak dengan kakak Ross,
lagi laaaa boring,
sebab dia masih lagi pening wekk…wekk..

i mula melangkah keluar dari rumah…
sumbat mediaplayer ke dalam telinga
jalan perlahan-lahan...
tengok sekeliling...
manalah tau kannn….
terinspirasi pulak lepas tuu...hehehe..
tengok ke taman keceriaan sekolah
(atau lebih tepat; 
zon keceriaan ku…..
dapat idea….

Cantik pulak students I berpakaian
warna oren
warna baju Bulan Motivasi

I tak lah rasa bosan sangat
menunggu masuk waktu untuk
berbuka puasa.

Thanks kids!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

amboii..amboii..amboii... gelapnyeeee!!!!


ni apa kes bergambar dalam gelap ni? 
ada laa cerita nya....
tapi belum lagi 
i nak ceritakan kat sini yerrrr.
for the time being, 
just tengok jer laa 
gambar yang sekeping nih....

Monday, August 15, 2011

Björk BIOPHILIA.....

terlupa pulak nak cerita yang satu nih. 
Björk dah merelease album terbaru. 

if you want to know more about this album, 
just go to 

tak sabar rasanya nak mendapatkan album nih....

Note: Bermula Hujan Di Sebelah Petang

just to let y'all know, 
inilah model untuk blogpost i kali nih...
ladies and gentlemen, 
i present to you...
Mr. Awie, also known as...
Sergeant Misai!

berbalik semula 
ke tajuk blogpost i kat atas tu...

petang semalam
ada hujan sekejap kat skool
selepas beberapa hari tak hujan.

So, it was a welcomed relief
when it suddenly rained
together with heavy wind.

The students all rushed out of their hostel
picking up their laundry from the clothes line;
and so was i.

after a few while,
an idea came to me,
“I should record this,
and do another elemental film.”

this time,
I’m combining multiple elements in the video –
the wind, the rain, the microsounds….
plus, I’m combining two video resolutions
into one short film.

But, as you can see,
the video is not yet finished!

Fret not!
I’ve got a few stills for you.
hujan yang mencurah-curah
di tangga depan rumah ku...
(ayat skema lagi.....)
pancuran air hujan
yang nampak

close-up pada
penyepit pakaian
dan titisan air hujan....
bamboo chime.....
my favourite photo
of the lot....
Until then,
just wait for the film to be premiered
in September,
after the examination.