Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Hi y’all. I’m a bit down with flu today.
 I’ve been having this since Sunday,
but it wasn’t that bad at first.
It only got bad yesterday,
after playing badminton.
Plus, yesterday,
I had an extra class with my students in the evening.
I felt a bit light-headed whilst teaching,
so I had to sit throughout the whole session.

 now it felt much better
after I took some meds from mr.WK.

At the moment I’m typing this,
I’m in the classroom;
 looking over my students
who are taking their examination,
my English Language papers!

Although down with a slight illness,
I’m still going to do this!
My students need me,
and I will always be there for them.
God willing…..
and God give me strength
and love to persevere.

I guess I had this flu on Saturday, because I was busy playing in the rain…hehehe, recording for my so-called newest elemental video project. Serves me right; for not taking care of myself well. Hehehe….but, it was worth it!

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