Saturday, May 28, 2011

Let's smile a little...

Senyum adalah riak wajah yang ditunjukkan manusia biasanya ketika gembira. Senyum ditunjukkan dengan mulut, dan boleh juga dengan mata.Orang tersenyum kerana banyak sebab, misalnya kerana jenaka atau tersenyum ketika gambar diambil. Namun, kadang-kadang orang tersenyum untuk menutup perasaan yang memalukan. Senyum sering boleh digunakan sebagai tanda keyakinan diri, tanda persetujuan atau sebagai tanda kebahagiaan. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. pernah berkata bahawa "Senyum kepada saudaramu adalah sedekah". 

From a friendly smile to a more romantic smile, there are many different smiles and different ways the act of smiling can be done. “Smiles can communicate feelings as different as love or contempt, pride or submission, flirtatiousness or polite tolerance.”At times, we walk down the street and smile at others just to be friendly; this is one of the easiest forms of demonstrating the act of smiling. The act of smiling is much more complex due to the fact that many people value their smile. The act of smiling goes hand in hand with the act of kindness; because at times, in order to put a smile on one’s face, we must do something for a person. By performing an act of kindness we might relieve a load of stress off someone’s shoulders and their day might be better and therefore they have something to smile about. Taking someone’s mind off their problems by conversing with them, taking them out, or even telling them a joke, can not only help release stress but put a smile on their face. Therefore, depending on the amount of stress one has, it will take more of an effort trying to put a smile on someone’s face. Next time you want to put a smile on someone’s face, either performs an act of kindness or think of a stress reliever. These are the two main ways of accomplishing the act of smiling. Smiling is something that is understood by everyone despite culture, race, or religion; "smiling is a global language… a smile can express everything.”
Conniff, R. (2007). “What’s Behind a Smile?”.
Smithsonian Magazine, 38,46-53.

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