Saturday, May 14, 2011

catatan semalam, diblog hari ni...

Disclaimer: Catatan di bawah telah ditulis pada hari Jumaat, sehari sebelum blogpost ini ditaip. hehehehe...

(Notes on Friday, May 13th)
Hmmm…what should I do today? Other than teach, what else should I do?

Let’s see, hmm…

a)    I can start on another video project; which I still have no idea yet!
b)    I can do photography work…
c)    I can mark my students’ homework…
d)    I can plan out next week’s English language examinations…
e)    I can paint…
f)     I can sketch some more..hmm…
g)    I can continue reading either “Senjakala” or “Arabian Nights”..
h)    I can type…
i)     I can cook…(but what to cook?)
j)     I can kemas-kemas the rumah again…
k)     I can facebook…
l)      I can go lepak-lepaks with my friends playing badminton..hehehe
m)   I my two-days-worth of laundry (very the typical pemalas kan?)
n)    I can watch FRIENDS on DVD…again…and again..and again…

Haiyaaa! Maybe I just lepak-lepak with Awie lah!
WK is not around; he went back to Malaya already. He’s a daddy now! Congratz che’wan!

But, I’m still asking myself,
“What should I do today?”

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