Sunday, January 9, 2011

these little darlings!

i'm teaching a new group of students this year. but, since this is the first time i'm teaching them, i think i'm going to start it slow. so, the for the first week, I set up a few rules for the students.  Let’s see :

Rule #1
No textbooks, exercise books, no pencils or erasers..or sharpeners, or ruler, or anything…is to be on the desks; before I enter the class.

Rule #2
No mess! Absolutely….not even on the floor. Hehehehehe.

Rule #3
Clean blackboard, otherwise I’ll just simply write over what the previous teacher left on the blackboard.

Rule #4
Be courteous and polite, for every granted requests (going to the toilet and entering the class) should be followed with a THANK YOU.

Rule #5
Be ready for more rules….

Rule #6
TRY, TRY, TRY and TRY AGAIN….do not give up! Teacher (that’s me!) will guide you!

i know...i know... it  might sound diva-ish, but, i'm trying to get the best out of these students. i know, they can cope with my rules and regulations, and i know they are going to do well in their help me God!

1 comment:

  1. pretty cute... i felt wanna go back and teaching these adorable cute innocent look children...


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