Saturday, January 22, 2011

it's rainy season....

i woke up early this morning; made a cup of warm coffee; and had three small pieces of TOBLERONE (courtesy of a dear friend of mine Ms. RGM). 

It was freezing; and also raining. It’s been raining these last few days, and if you guys have been following, usually the heavy rain would only mean one thing, F.L.O.O.D.

but, luckily today, it’s evident enough that it’s not going to happen. So, what did I do?

There’s only one thing left to do…ambil gambar (taking photos)!

Then, suddenly, I remembered  this one song. Hmm, suitable enough for this time. 

Today Is No Sunday
It’s rainy season and the grey clouds
complete the theme
The rusty fence, the noisy thunder
creepy storm and the falling trees.
Television, tea and coffee
all the books are getting dusty.
If there is a way I will catch up for you
visit the spring.
Where the ices are melting
and the new plants are growing
flower is blooming
and lovers are kissing.
[Lagu & Lirik: Aprilia Apsari, 2006]
[Aransemen Musik: White Shoes & The Couples Company]

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