Sunday, April 25, 2010


hujan akan berhenti, mungkin esok datang lagi
petang merangkak malam
malam merangkak pagi
hidup akan terus ditemani suka duka
          rahmatNya akan terus menemani

bukan seperti hujan yang hanya datang


a new one!

what' new?
i tell you what's new, it's a new song from White Shoes and The Couples Company. The song was a Jimi Hendrix original. i never heard the original one by Hendrix though, but i think i prefer this version by White Shoes and The Couples Company. just go to and listen to the track. i heard it, and i swear to GOD, it was AWESOME! the way, the title of the song : Cross Town Traffic

sorry, due to legal issues, i can't put the song here, you have to go to the official website to listen. enjoy okay....

(singing) pa pa pa....