Saturday, March 20, 2010

my poem


let me be in your dreams
i'll sleep by your side;
dreaming of you -
dreaming of me.
waking up by your side
and to see you smiling -
looking back
at me.
Copyright © 2009


  1. you are talented.....every thing you do seems to work very nice......a gift from Allah dont waste it use it wisely :)

  2. o wow! thanks for the comment. not everything i did worked everytime. there were times i got so blocked i dont know what to do. alhamdulillah, most of the time i got inspired, i had to put everyting on paper as quickly as possible. there were times the inspiration was too great, i can't put it out for the world to see. hehehe...ideas and inspiration are from HIM alone. again, thanx bro!


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