Sunday, February 21, 2010

my latest video work, and the broken promise

hello y'all.
let me start first. i said before that i'm not going to do another unofficial White Shoes & The Couples Company video. well, seems like i couldn't keep my words for sure. i made another one. it took me two weeks to practice and three days to rearrange the sequence in this video. i've been listening to this song for weeks, and the idea for the video slowly built up until finally i was left with no other choice but to use this song. the idea kept rolling in my brain and finally, ideas came into being. it was a great song, no doubt about that, and my video would pale in comparisson to that song. so, here it is, my latest videowork. enjoy.

The video contains the audio track TOPSTAR by White Shoes And The Couples Company. The video was made with the purest intention and wasnt meant to violate the copyright ownership of the song. The video was made solely for entertainment purposes, and I will not benefit from it financially. This video was not the official video for the song. I own the copyright ownership of the stock footage, and White Shoes And The Couples Company owns the copyright ownership for the song. I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and gratitude to the band for their understanding on the above matter. Thanks.

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