Monday, December 28, 2009

SK NANGA KAIN 2009..the year that was....

hehehe...just want to re-cap everything that happened and the ups and downs of SK Nanga Kain throughout 2009...and about what i did this year. c'mon, this blog is about something by me, right?

SK Nanga Kain had a bit of a rough start when there were only 7 teachers in the school. most of the teachers got their transfer at the end of 2008. but that was all over when we were informed there were 10 teachers posted to our school. 9 were from the peninsular malaysia and one sarawakian. the new sarawakian teacher arrived earlier than anyone else, well, because she was the closest.

the rest of the team came the second week of january; but here's the let down. only seven new teachers from semenanjung malaysia, the other two were reposted to other schools for some God-knows-what reasons. hah...i bet those two kicked themselves hard on their tusch if they knew the other seven were doing fine, here in SK Nanga Kain. but then, the rubbish bin tipped over, when suddenly a newspaper article reported something negative about the teachers from semenanjung malaysia. c'mon... newspaper people, don't you have anything good to say? the newspaper outrageously put in SK Nanga Kain into the light, stating that the locals were concerned about the welfare of their children due to the numbers of semenanjung malaysia teachers coming to our school. i think i want to swear first.... *@#*&%#@ newspaper! no such thing! the teachers were doing great, they did their job, the locals were fine with them and i heard no complaints whatsoever. so, newspaper people, please, get your resources straight. that bloody @%#*&$@# newspaper reporter...!

later throughout the year, there were tears when Mdm Dayang Mengsupia got her transfer to Kuching. the staffs were devastated and the students were emotionally crushed to hear the news. we had a special assembly on the day of her departure, and i had to gave a short speech on behalf of the headmaster. OMG, that was the hardest thing that i had to do, and i was choking inside trying to hold back my emotion; but it was to no avail. then it was mdm dayang's turn to give her speech.

she said it was hard for her to leave the school, but she had to due to her illness. the students cried the most, since she was the closest to the these students. madam dayang, we wish you a good health and a pleasant days ahead. as a gesture of appreciation, mr jesion and i made a special video presentation for her. a few months later, mr. abang got his transfer too.

then, there was Teachers' Day celebration. very, very happening. there were tonnes of photos and a couple of video made for this occasion. the best part of that day was the sukaneka (..or telematch. is the usage of this word correct?) OMG, we had the best fun, playing games, laughing (at each other, mostly) and having fun with the students. hehehe...that was great! oopss...i made two videos for that special day. watch them! hehehe...

2009 was a great year for the athletes from our school. the students were very much involved in sports. we had our own mini sports day, twice, this year. we had football matches, netball tournaments and the athletics competition. all the practice paid off when SK Nanga Kain won almost all events during the sports day in SK Nanga Stapang.

not forgetting the national day celebration that was held in august. it was a great time for us in SK Nanga Kain to show our appreciation and love to our beloved country.

this was also a great time for the students to show their talents too. the students performed well in singing and cultural dance. you can see the videos on youtube or just keep on scrollin' below...hehehe

2009 was also the year for the culture. as you can see from my previous blog entries, SK Nanga Kain excelled mostly in the performing arts.i'm not going to re-embed the videos here. scroll down, and you'll find 'em. hehehe....

so, that was it. it was a year to remember. really, it was a great year for us in SK Nanga Kain. personally, i'm tired...but in a good way. hopefully, next year will be even greater. DIRGAHAYU SK NANGA KAIN.

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