Monday, December 14, 2009

Dancers of SK Nanga Kain

after many weeks of editing, many days of uploading, my latest video work is finally here. well, actually, my three parts video work actually. i wish to thank mr. jesion for co-producing these videos and for having the patience to cope with my tedious detailing over the videos. my thanks go out to mr. zairy for providing the video conversion software, awie for his help with my art direction, and the kids, for their patience and dedication. i would also like to extend my thanks and gratitude and apologies to Noraniza Idris, for i have used her music and songs for the performance; without her prior permission. TERIMA KASIH yang tidak terhingga buat KAK ANI.

so, people of the world, i present to you: TARIAN ETNIK KREATIF by the dancers of SK NANGA KAIN.

Enjoy! PEACE.

part 1

part 2

part 3

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