Saturday, November 28, 2009

overdue - the three weeks' posts

Well, now it's the time for a long...very long... holiday.

As you can see, i haven't posted anything on my blog for the last two weeks. A lot happened in those two weeks, and now i'm trying to squeeze in everything that happened in those two weeks. I 'm going to do this in sequence. So, this will be my longest blog post ever. Hehehe...

post no. 1
The real story about this post was it was written on the 14th November2009. Just keeep on reading then you'll know why it took such a long time to be posted here.

14th November 2009
Wow….i haven’t posted anything new for the past few days. I’ve been to SK Nanga Stapang, in Kapit, for an inter-school sports and cultural competition, and what a great news I have for you! Let’s do this in stages okay….and I’m highlighting only the main events.

Well, first, SK Nanga Kain (our team) lead by Mr. Jesion and Mr. Ridzuan as the team managers went to SK Nanga Stapang. The athletes from our team took part in all the events, and won most of them. CONGRATULATIONS to our soccer team for winning first place; and for the netball team for winning third. Also, congratulations to the athletics team for winning in most of the track events. Oops…the participants weren’t teachers, they’re students. Hehehe.

Came the highlight of the athletics events, the teachers from our school also took part in the invitational track event. Mr. Zairy, Mr. Ridzuan, Mr. Semang and Wilson Lenggang’s mom won third place in the 4x200 meter race. Hats off to you guys!

Hahaha…our Headmaster; Mr. Kadum; also took part in a very special 100 meter race and he won second place. Congratz to you too, sir.

The best part was winning the cultural events. Our team won in both Ethnic Creative and pop Poco-Poco dance categories. My salute to Mr. Jesion and his dancers for winning both! I’m sooo…proud of them!

Our school also took part in the pop Poco-Poco dance for teachers and staffs’ category. The dancers were Mr. Jesion, Ms. Nurnasyiha, Mr. Zairy, Mr. Patrick, Mr. Ridzuan and Mdm. (auntie) Roselind. They won third place!

The final cultural showcase was the dikir barat recital in Iban Language by the students and Mr. Patrick. This team was trained by Mr. Patrick and Mr. Awie.

Wow, it was an unforgettable experience in SK Nanga Stapang. My sincerest thanks to the school’s headmaster, Mr. Boniface. A very special thank you goes out to Miss Nicky Amanda for providing a comfortable nest for us to sleep in.

Note :
what a drag! i've lost the pictures created especially for this post. but, i'm working on this problem. so just wait ok....the above post was intended to be posted on the 14th November 2009, but all was in vain when the flood hit our school later in the afternoon on the same day. Here's the story.

Post no. 2
17th November 2009
The great River Balleh flood.

Well, the reason I haven’t posted anything for the last few days was that our school was hit by a massive flood. The entire school was under water…well, not really, some of the classes were underwater, and everyone in the school didn’t expect that the flood would be that worse. Just imagine how tired we were; packing and moving all the things from the houses and classes, then rushing like mad when the water level risen drastically. Luckily, some of the teachers’ quarters were on a higher ground.

A few of the victims ( teachers…hehehe) stayed at my place for a few days. To make matters worse, there was no electricity for three days. So kasihan (pity) that mr zairy, mr ridzuan and jesion had to stay at my place. But, there was a silver lining to every dark clouds, we felt really united and together. We had our meals together, we chit-chat until late at night, and cracked jokes every now and then. Ooh..and we helped each others a lot too.

After two very wet days, finally, the flood's over. cleaning up time. some of the parents and students came to help the teachers clean up the teachers' quarters and the classrooms.

Sorry, I don’t have any photos of my own for this post yet, but I’m working on it. So, just watch out for this spot, okay. I wonder if mr. Ridzuan posted some of the pictures on his blog or facebook? yupp..he did, and here are some of  them. well, mostly with he himself in it of course.

all photos courtesy of this dude, mr ridzuan. mentioned several times in my blog. thanks riz.
RIZ, pinjam gambar2 ni boleh?

Post no. 3
19th November 2009
What a sad day for some of us here in SK Nanga Kain. It is the last day of school for the students, and it is the the time to say goodbye for the Year Six students. Their examination result is out today, and they scored well in their examination. Overall, the students passed the exam; with the score of 75% passing. I'm so proud of these kids. As you can see, these kids were featured in three of my unofficial White Shoes and the Couples Company videos. Personally, i would like to thank them for allowing me to feature them in all the videos. I'm not going into details because i'm still feeling bluesy about them leaving the school for the last time.

( ok, these posts are well overdued, but do forgive me for posting this late. at the moment, i'm having a bit of a rough time i'm sure enough you wouldn't be interested in knowing. insyallah, i will keep my blog well managed and properly attended to. thanks - tauhhid )

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