Wednesday, October 7, 2009

My Personal Pick - M. C. Escher

what do you think of these prints? aren't they're great? these prints were created by MC Escher. details from WIKIPEDIA about this artist and his works.

Puddle is a woodcut print by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher, first printed in February 1952.
Since 1936, Escher’s work had become primarily focused on paradoxes, tessellation and other abstract visual concepts. This print, however, is a realistic depiction of a simple image that portrays two perspectives at once. It depicts an unpaved road with a large pool of water in the middle of it at night. Turning the print upside-down and focusing strictly on the reflection in the water, it becomes a depiction of a forest with a full moon overhead. The road is soft and muddy and in it there are two distinctly different sets of tire tracks, two sets of footprints going in opposite directions and two bicycle tracks.

Three Worlds is a lithograph print by the Dutch artist M. C. Escher which was first printed in December, 1955.
Three Worlds depicts a large pool or lake during the autumn or winter months, the title referring to the three visible perspectives in this image: the surface of the water on which leaves float, the world above the surface, observable by the water's reflection of a forest, and the world below the surface, observable in the large fish swimming just below the water’s surface.

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  1. salam bro.
    i do like this kind of art. in fact, i'm a big fan of van gogh, escher and warhol. three of the best artisans.


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