Friday, June 19, 2009

i thought i was the only one....

LAdies and gentlemen, i introduce to you,MR. BEAR.

okay, i confess! i have a teddy bear. well, correction, now i have two teddies. both of them are brown in color. my first teddy was given to me by my friend on my (?)th birthday. he said that the teddy looked cute, like me! Yelah tu....and recently, also for my (?)th birthday, another one of my friend gave me my second teddy. Gosh, both teddies looked so cute! But now there's a friends said that i'm a pathetic adult with two stuffed animals. here lies the issue of eccentricity, yes, i am a pathetic adult, and yes, i shouldn't keep stuffed animals anymore. but, i like to think that anyone, and i mean ANYONE can do whatever he or she wants. in my case, i like stuffed animals. takkan itu pun hendak dipersoalkan...dah sik ada modalkah? ala... my teddies don't bite lah...but how i wish they could, biar dia dua gigit those people who like to judge others. hmm, there are others in this world who keeps teddies, even longer than i am. here's one, and this person is Annie Lennox. this is an article from her blog. Ehem, Annie Lennox adalah seorang penyanyi dan aktivis yang terkenal. Tak kenal kah? kesian....

article and image copied from
copyright controlled

1 comment:

  1. Ko simpan jek teddy bear tu, pedulikan apa yang orang nak kata. Asalkan kita bahagia dengan apa yang kita buat...


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