Saturday, May 2, 2009

makan2...nyanyi2... stress no more!

as you can see here, 
my school had a small 
"get together" party last week. 
everybody had a great time. 

i'm in charge of decorations and props. 
but i did more than that. 
i took videos and photos too. 

Miss Laura was in-charge of the menu, 
the new teachers were in-charge 
of beef rendang and chicken pansoh; 
and the rest were in-charge 
of audio-video system. 

Jess was the party planner...
hehehe..kesian dia. 
lucky thing he's the school counselor, 
kalau tak stress lah dia. 

everything went according to plan, 
and everyone was happy. 
oopss...we did karaoke too, 
and; suprise! surprise! 
i disuruh menyanyi jugak. 
actually keberatan lah nak nyanyi 
bcoz i have a horrible singing voice. 
but since dipaksa by the Guru Besar, 
i had to. 

i will upload the videos in, 
but not the one where i was singing. 
jangan mimpi la i nak letak video i nanyi kat youtube. 

Image (1/2/3/4) by Tauhhid
Image (5) by Zairy
Copyright : mamarock™ (2009)

1 comment:

  1. Macho benar mamat yang nyanyi tok! mesti sedap suaranya ya?


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