Wednesday, December 31, 2008


in just a few hours, 
2008 will be closed. 
it was a great year for me 
and hopefully it was the same for you. 
there were too many great memories to remember, 
and there were a few bittersweet moments to learn from. 
i just want to say;
it was a year well spent.

goodbye 2008 and welcome 2009.

Monday, December 29, 2008


ok....blues aside. 
i just want to say 
to my friends. 

they were stationed at their new schools. 
i hope they will be happy working 
in their new school; 
and please don't forget us in SK Nanga Kain. 

Wishing Ms. Amirah, Ms. Nadine, Mdm. Pon, 
Mr. Fadzil and Mr. Ariffin 
a successful career.

Sincerely, tauhhid

Thursday, December 25, 2008


i just want to wish my friends "MERRY CHRISTMAS". miss laura singi, mdm pon, auntie roselind, miss nadine william, mr. kadum, mdm fiona and mr nureyev, mdm georgina and mr kennedy, teo, estella, and my friend whom i lost contact with;mr jackson meling gilbert. and everyone in the world; i wish you all PEACE.

Copyright Image: Yahoo™

just got back from kapit

hi there.
last weekend, i went back to SK Nanga Kain. it was quite relaxing. the school was quiet and calm, since no one was around. the next day i went home to sarikei. the best part was when i sat at the back of the express boat. it was sunny, warm, noisy and VERY smokey. hahaha....i got pictures to show you. well, it was fun to be outside of the express boat. one can have a full view of the panoramic riverside scenery. much better than any HD tv.

Monday, December 15, 2008

posing sekejap

thanks to Evelyn Ain Najwa Abdullah and Teo Fang Yiang for these photos.
Copyright ©2008 Image by Ain
Copyright ©2008 Image by Teo

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Me and my friends

I would like to extend my thanks to my friends who made my stay in Kampung Belawai an enjoyable one. Those people are; Evelyn/Ain Najwa, Teo Fang Yiang, Dolly, Kak Effa, Mdm. Sandy, Mami Rita and Mr.Abd. Wahab and his family. Ooppss... Mdm Haslindawati and her husband too.

Selamat Pengantin Baru

A blissful wedding of Miss Haslindawati Abd. Wahab and her husband Mr. A.S. Mu'ammar Gadaphi Abdullah. Have a bright future and wishing you guys lots of health and tonnes of children.

Monday, December 8, 2008


assalamualaikum....peace be upon you,

i just want to wish everyone a very joyous and happy Aidiladha, especially to Mdm Dayang and Mr Abang.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a quote by Yasmin Ahmad, the Storyteller

i am a fan of these award-winning films; SEPET, GUBRA and MUKHSIN; better known as ORKED trilogy. These films were written and directed by Yasmin Ahmad. I stumbled upon her blog, and found this quote. forgive me for copying, but i believe these words of wisdom are to be shared.

"If your intentions are pure, if you apply your craft with a view to observe humanity and, ultimately, God himself, very often something powerful will surface."

by award - winning director
Yasmin Ahmad

A. Samad Said

peace be upon you

this time around, i am going to post something about my favourite poet/author; A. Samad Said. before i begin, i would like to say that A. Samad Said is my personal favourite and an inspiration to me. during my school years, i read many of his novels and often indulged myself reading his poems. for years i kept wishing that someday i would meet my favourite poet. then, to my suprise (more of a shock; actually), my classmates and i got the chance to meet him. the event took place in 1996, and it was during his visit to Sarawak. he gave us a talk on his literary works and even recited some of his poems. at the end of the event, a crowd of school students rushed in to snap up a few photos with him. i got my chance! a week later, my class got an invitation to attend another talk with A. Samad Said, at a different school. i asked him to sign the photo. before he signed the photo, he looked at it and commented, "Tampak benar garisan usia, ya?" (The wrinkles really show, right?) I was star-strucked, and i ended up speechless. well, that's about it; and i promise i will post-up the picture. by the way, i will post-up more info on A. Samad Said. But, i am not going to include any of his literary know, copyright issues. hehehe....

Monday, December 1, 2008

AIDS - my view on the issue

Prejudice and negligance are the worst things that could happen to AIDS patients. Please, AIDS patients are humans too. Give our moral support. ACCEPTANCE and KINDNESS are best things we could do to them. And yes, support your local AIDS prevention community.

Here are a few :

2) Malaysian Red Crescent Society
3) Pink Triangle
4) The Befrienders


Celebrate World's AIDS Day

I am going to post several articles concerning AIDS related issues. Most of the articles are copyright protected. For further information regarding AIDS; and how to prevent it, you can contact your physician or surf the web. Thanks.